Rome Choral Festival

Summer 2026


Join us in Rome with
Z. Randall Stroope

The Rome International Choral Festival is one of Rome’s premier annual summer music events. The annual festival will feature Mass participation at St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican and a formal finale concert at Rome’s Basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri . The festival will take place in Summer 2026.

The festival chorus will include mixed-voice singers and choirs from across North America that will come together to rehearse and perform en masse under the baton of maestro Z. Randall Stroope. Tour and festival production is provided by Music Celebrations International.

Festival Venues

St. Peter's Basilica

St. Peter’s Basilica is one of four major basilicas of Rome. It is the most prominent building inside the Vatican City and built on the ruins of Old Saint Peter’s Basilica. Directly to the east of the church is St. Peter’s Square (Piazza di San Pietro), built by Gianlorenzo Bernini between 1636 and 1667. It is surrounded by an elliptical colonnade with two pairs of Doric columns which form its breadth, each bearing ionic entablatures.

Basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri

The Basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri was built within the remains of the Diocletian Baths, a massive public bathing complex constructed by Emperor Diocletian in the 3rd-century AD. In the 16th-century, Pope Pius IV commissioned the renowned architect Michelangelo to convert the baths into a Christian place of worship. Michelangelo’s innovative design transformed the structure into a breathtaking basilica that blends ancient Roman architecture with Renaissance elements.

Contact Us

If your choir is interested in singing in the festival, send us an email to request more information on how to apply